ID | Name | Species | Gender | Died of |
#819826 | [Pho] Cobalt {BB GG ii JJ Oo RR ss tt Vv} -Inbred 4%- | Phorusrhacos | Female | of starvation. |
#819998 | [Lin] Forest {Bb Gg II Jj Oo RR ss tt Vv} | Linheraptor | Male | of starvation. |
#819894 | [Sio] Laveal {BB Gg Ii JJ OO RR ss TT vv} | Sinosauropteryx | Male | of starvation. |
#819889 | [Sio] Amback {Bb Gg Ii Jj oo Rr SS Tt VV} | Sinosauropteryx | Male | of starvation. |
#820001 | Alice | Linheraptor | Female | of starvation. |
#820000 | [Lin] Tilver {Bb Gg II Jj Oo RR Ss tt VV} | Linheraptor | Female | of starvation. |
#820037 | [Sio] Sangoise {Bb GG II Jj OO Rr SS tt VV} | Sinosauropteryx | Male | of starvation. |
#820130 | [Orn] Silver {Bb Gg Ii Jj Oo Rr Ss Tt Vv} | Ornitholestes | Male | of starvation. |
#820131 | [Orn] Laurel {Bb Gg Ii JJ OO Rr ss Tt vv} | Ornitholestes | Female | of starvation. |
#820132 | [Orn] Lavender {BB Gg ii Jj OO Rr SS TT VV} | Ornitholestes | Female | of starvation. |
#820290 | [Lin] Lavender {BB GG ii Jj Oo Rr SS Tt vv} | Linheraptor | Female | of starvation. |
#820360 | [Comp] Greeny {BB Gg II JJ OO Rr SS Tt Vv} | Compsognathus | Male | of starvation. |
#820446 | shinichi | Megaraptor | Male | of starvation. |
#820390 | [Uta] Tigress Jr. {BB GG II Jj oo RR SS Tt Vv} | Utahraptor | Female | of starvation. |
#820449 | [Arch] Tink {BB GG Ii Jj Oo RR SS tt VV} | Archaeopteryx | Male | of starvation. |
#820970 | [Sin] Husk {Bb gg Ii JJ oo RR Ss tt VV} | Sinornithosaurus | Female | of starvation. |
#820522 | [Bary] Tutu {BB GG ii Jj OO RR ss tt VV} | Baryonyx | Female | of starvation. |
#820531 | [Bary] Perano {BB GG ii JJ OO RR ss tt Vv} | Baryonyx | Female | of starvation. |
#820526 | [Sio] Pacific {BB GG Ii Jj Oo Rr ss Tt Vv} | Sinosauropteryx | Male | of starvation. |
#821265 | Released Dino | Oviraptor | Female | of starvation. |