ID | Name | Species | Gender | Died of |
#579263 | Released Dino | Bambiraptor | Female | of starvation. |
#579418 | Released Dino | Velociraptor | Male | of poor health. |
#579426 | Released Dino | Velociraptor | Male | of poor health. |
#582491 | Released Dino | Velociraptor | Male | of poor health. |
#605932 | Released Dino | Velociraptor | Male | of poor health. |
#610006 | Riley (Bb Tt) | Baryonyx | Female | of old age. |
#537489 | Robert | Lolosaurus | Male | of poor health. |
#628437 | Rose Bush(Bb Vv) | Acrocanthosaurus | Male | of euthanasia. |
#652238 | Rose Pearl (Gg) | Acrocanthosaurus | Female | of poor health. |
#531655 | Royal Shadow (GP, P+) | Dimetrodon | Female | of euthanasia. |
#631736 | Ruth | Baryonyx | Female | of old age. |
#478045 | Sale | Linheraptor | Male | of old age. |
#563682 | sale | Spinosaurus | Male | of poor health. |
#642822 | Sale 5/6 perfects Bright Blue Color | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Male | of poor health. |
#325213 | Salix | Linheraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#484418 | Sara | Dimetrodon | Female | of euthanasia. |
#508789 | Saturn | Linheraptor | Female | of poor health. |
#483041 | Scarlet | Linheraptor | Female | of old age. |
#548998 | Scarlet | Linheraptor | Female | of poor health. |
#476985 | Seeker | Linheraptor | Male | of old age. |