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Chandler's Graveyard

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ID Name Species Gender Died of
#291989 Thorn Oviraptor Female of starvation.
#359692 Spot Herrerasaurus Male of starvation.
#364353 Dino Egg Herrerasaurus Male of starvation.
#366228 Dino Egg Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#367187 Dino Egg Oviraptor Male of starvation.
#368955 Dino Egg Linheraptor Female of starvation.
#372301 Dino Egg Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#387902 Tuck everlasting Linheraptor Female of starvation.
#388429 utahnonychus Deinonychus Male of starvation.
#391389 Jajay Sinosauropteryx Male of starvation.
#391734 Dino Egg Utahraptor Female of starvation.
#414201 Dino Egg Coelophysis Female of starvation.
#416502 Micro Microraptor Male of starvation.
#426365 gluter Utahraptor Female of starvation.
#434185 Porta Microraptor Male of starvation.
#457188 Titan Utahraptor Male of starvation.
#457197 Limba Microraptor Male of starvation.
#457198 hairy Microraptor Female of starvation.
#457202 Dino Egg Microraptor Male of starvation.
#457605 Dino Egg Oviraptor Male of starvation.