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Rorschach's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#240239 gilly Graciliraptor Female of euthanasia.
#355887 Genesia Megaraptor Female of old age.
#398123 Gedet'ye GP Bambiraptor Male of old age.
#409593 Garlic Guanlong Male of old age.
#407519 Ganar GP Bambiraptor Male of old age.
#434255 Gallinore Megaraptor Male of old age.
#421994 Galatic Swirl NGP Balaur Female of euthanasia.
#421883 Galati Balaur Male of euthanasia.
#461662 Galaar NGP Bambiraptor Male of old age.
#467674 Gaan GP Bambiraptor Male of old age.
#442603 Frioles Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of euthanasia.
#366339 Fresia Megaraptor Female of old age.
#395835 Forever Alone Lolosaurus Male of old age.
#452344 FLXN Tiamat Conch Castro Spinosaurus Female of old age.
#453277 FLXN Tiamat Ain Peppermint Spinosaurus Female of old age.
#441058 Fire Fiord GP Spinosaurus Male of old age.
#484962 Finder GP Spinosaurus Female of old age.
#290821 Fett Bambiraptor Male of old age.
#402756 Fennel Guanlong Female of old age.
#309903 Felucia Megaraptor Female of old age.