Viewing Ita's Farm - Fox Fire |
![]() You fallow the dirt path past the outer gates of the farm, you can hear the occasional cries of dinosaurs a bit clearer now that your closer to the enclosures. You can see almost all of the enclosure from where you are, they spread out in a circular pattern, paths fallowing the outline of each, Infront of you is a sign and a map, pointing out what's in each enclosure, which is which, and where other buildings on the farm are located. You take a moment to study the map before deciding what to do. Will you stick around and take a look? Welcome.Ciao! Welcome to my farm. So far I have 10 different species of carnivor, most of wich are raptors. I focus mostly on Velociraptors and Utahraptors. I plan on having all non contracted males up for stud as well as any females I don't have plans for breeding in the near future. Most packs are organized baced on either gender or how I plan to battle and raise the groups of dinosaurs. I try to keep elders and juvinlies in any packs that aren't used for fighting, and then move the juvinlies to packs that do fight once they become adults. I keep the personality of adults in thier notes section as well as a small discription of them so I can look back on them once they die and remember who they were and what they were like. I like to imagine how each individual would have acted and how they would interact togeather in thier packs. Dinosaurs.Carnivors: Acrocanthosaurus Archeopteryx Atrociraptor Buitreraptor Deinonychus Dilophosaurus Linheraraptor Phorusrhacus Pyroraptor Spinosaurus Tyrannosaur Rex Utahraptor Velociraptor
Herbavors: Pachycephalosaurus Fish.None yet but plan on it eventualy |