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Viewing New User's Farm - Prehistoric Sea
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You tap on the boat uneasily. It's small, but sturdy. It has a white sail, and a deck, and of course a wheel. But, you don't know if you're supposed to be steering it. A voice sounds behind you. "Do you wish to harm my raptors, or do you come to watch them?" You turn to see a lean, nimble boy with raven black hair down to his shoulder blades and wolfish yellow eyes watching you from the shadows. You give him your name and tell what him that you come to see his farm. He nods. "Very well, then. Climb on." He leaps onto the little boat and takes the wheel. You climb on after him. "Sit down, rest, eat, enjoy the scenery, but for your own sake, don't lean over the edge; the mosasaurs know me, but they might try to eat you." As if on queue, a huge black-and-white flipper rears out of the water and slaps the waves. The boy doesn't flinch from where he is steering. "That would be one of my ravenous liopleurodons," he says. "I am called Raptoria, by the way." Soon, you arrive at a tropical island and almost immediately get sniffed by a big golden utahraptor who is no doubt a hatchling, or at least not yet full grown. "Stop it, Ginger!" Raptoria scolds her affectionately. He glances at you. "Ginger is always getting in trouble. She..." Before he can finish his sentance, a baby t-rex runs up and grabs your shirt sleeve, knocking you to the ground and dragging you away. "Rexxy no! Our new guest is not your toy, OR your food." Raptoria cries sternly. The young t-rex makes a soft squealing sound and looks away. "Good boy, Rexxy." Now Raptoria fixes his gaze on you. "The pack is to your North. If one of the hatchlings gets you in trouble, Critical, pack leader next to me, will deal with it; he's very clever. And if you need me, I will be in the tree house to the West. You can't miss it." With that, the boy trots into the jungle.

Waterfall Cave Pack