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Sinornithosaurus enclosure

Owned By Whitepaw reserve (#13930) 9/11 Inhabitants
As you near the trees, the chattering of raptors becomes louder. Looking closely you can see three distinct species. On the path infront of you are several large brightly colored feathers. Kneeling down to pick one up, you feel a tug at your waist. Standing up, you realise your money pouch has gone missing! As you look around for any clue as to where it might have gone, Kerrie walks up. "Lose something Friend?" Explaning what happened, Kerrie nods knowlingly. "I think I know what happened. Wait here." Going into the woods, Kerrie comes back out moments later riding on a bright purple Sinornithosaurus. "Syrea and her siblings like to steal anything shiny. You must forgive them." She tosses you your money pouch and rides off into the forest.

Syren's song Pack
L1 BGR Syren 48
L1 BGR Janos 43
L1 BGR Samul 29 Starving
L1 BGR Seras 22 StarvingSick
L1 BGR Serin 46
L1 BGR Seris 48 StarvingSick
L1 BGR Sirus 22 Starving
L1 BGR Sora 34
L1 BGR Syrea 34 Starving

No loners!


9 dinosaurs with happiness below 100% in this enclosure.