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Fact Files

Name Atrociraptor Marshalli Information
Diet Carnivorous Atrociraptor lived around 70 million years ago in the late cretaceous era. Only one fossil has been found of this raptor, and that was in Canada - where the upper and lower jaws, as well as teeth, were found! Atrociraptor's head was very short and deep, and had dagger-like teeth that were impressively straight. Atrociraptor was estimated to have been about the size of a Bambiraptor, and is thought to have been feathered.
Height Unknown
Length Unknown
Weight Unknown
Location Canada
Era 70 million years ago Interesting Fact
Atrociraptor is considered to be one of closest known non-avian relatives of Archaeopteryx, a feathered fossil found in China that had many reptile AND bird characteristics.
Name Means "Cruel Thief"
Pronunciation Ah-troh-ci-rap-tor
Family Dromaeosauridae

Game Statistics
Total 4,365 Females 2,268
Adults 3,186 Males 2,097
Chicks 1,030 For Stud 201
Eggs 149 For Sale 13
STR above 100 1,230 Levels Above 15 107
SPD above 100 612 Battle Wins Above 100 258
INT above 100 641 Hunting Wins Above 50 6
STR above 300 863 Levels Above 25 30
SPD above 300 272 Battle Wins Above 200 68
INT above 300 300 Hunting Wins Above 100 0
STR above 1000 663 Levels Above 50 0
SPD above 1000 78 Battle Wins Above 300 12
INT above 1000 56 Hunting Wins Above 200 0