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Fact Files

Name Troodon Formosus Information
Diet Carnivorous Troodon is thought to be one of the most intelligent dinosaurs that ever lived! Bursting into life in the late cretaceous period, this little dinosaur was a fast and agile hunter, likely picking off small mammals, reptiles and insects as it swept through Cretaceous USA. Being very long and slender, it was undoubtedly one of the leggy supermodels of the dinosaur world.
Height Unknown
Length 6ft
Weight 110lbs
Location North America
Era 67 million years ago Interesting Fact
A baby Troodon was found inside a dinosaur egg located in one of the discovered dinosaur nests. At first paleontologists believed the nests belonged to Orodromeus, but upon closer examination found that they were in fact Troodons' nests!
Name Means "Wounding Tooth"
Pronunciation TRUE-don
Family Theropoda

Game Statistics
Total 2,279 Females 1,173
Adults 1,545 Males 1,106
Chicks 644 For Stud 122
Eggs 90 For Sale 5
STR above 100 793 Levels Above 15 50
SPD above 100 359 Battle Wins Above 100 121
INT above 100 368 Hunting Wins Above 50 0
STR above 300 598 Levels Above 25 1
SPD above 300 134 Battle Wins Above 200 21
INT above 300 149 Hunting Wins Above 100 0
STR above 1000 496 Levels Above 50 0
SPD above 1000 20 Battle Wins Above 300 3
INT above 1000 22 Hunting Wins Above 200 0