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L1 BGR Twilightdrop

THIS DINOSAUR IS DEAD! (It's picture is no longer available.)





Species Gender Age
Sinornithosaurus Female Dead
Owner Breeder
Shelilla (#16989) Shelilla (#16989)
The necessary third wheel to create more green eyes. Thundershock's last days were approaching, so in order to save the green eyes, they came together one last time before he died. Thanks to the sacrifices him and the green eyes have made, Sandshard and more green-eyed sinors began to repopulate in Exhibited. Now, Twilightdrop is with Embersong as even his last days approach, but this time they will depart together, leaving their dear children to bring back the mighty era of the green-eyed sinornithosauruses.

We will always love and remember you, Twilightdrop.