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L4 BGR Obsidian Gaze

THIS DINOSAUR IS DEAD! (It's picture is no longer available.)





Obsidian Gaze
Species Gender Age
Baryonyx Female Dead
Owner Breeder
BlueStrike2434 (#31081) Searaptor (#17762)
This girl has been with us for only a few real life weeks. But she is a pride to us, and has helped produce wonderfully colored Bary's into our lines. She is a great fighter, and when she dies, she will do so peacefully. Obsidian has gifted us with many things during her short but worth-it time here.

On her last day of life, on the 13th of October.....this girl is gazed upon by me. I really, really will miss her. Her beautiful face and least three of her four children live with me now. I will miss you, pretty Girl. I will not forget you ;(